The file ERTEK-3D.dwg (AutoCAD, version 2000 or later) includes the 3D model of an indicative construction of the structural skeleton. You can download the file and experiment by either modifying the model or creating your own ERTEK constructions.
The model is structured by 3 blocks: SLAB?SQR?3D (square floor slab unit), SLAB?TRI?3D (triangular floor slab unit) and COLUMN-3D (column).Each block includes "points" (AutoCAD entities) at the 3D grid's vertices respective to the joints. This makes it easy either to transpose, or to copy, or to rotate any structural element by using the "Node" object snap. Besides, you can use "grips" as they also correspond to the 3D grid's vertices.
Have a look on the Named Views "PERSPECTIVE FROM THE GROUND" and "BIRD EYE VIEW".
Use the Layout either to see or to modify different representations of the model. |