The structural skeleton supports a great variety of architectural solutions, since structural elements having various dimensions or shape can be produced and positioned according to a grid having rows or columns of different width (Figure 1). The possibility to sustain a rectangular slab unit only in three jointsof the respective pre-slab — this has been confirmed by structural analysis for slab units having dimensions up to 3.60/3.60m—makes possible to construct unified rooms having double size (i.e. 7.20/7.20m), without column at the middle (Figure 2). The variability in three dimensions is multiplied, as it is possible to combine columns having different height (Figure 3). In addition, the structural skeletonallows balconies up to 2.00m wide.
Until now the construction of buildings up to 5 floors (including the basement) is possible without any additional reinforcement of the structural elements. The construction of buildings up to 10 floors is also possible if specific structural elements are appropriately reinforced. The typical floor height is 3.00m but a height up to 3.50m can be achieved without any additional cost. Larger heights may require an additional reinforcement of columns having also an additional cost.