




What is the ERTEK system

  • The construction method in a glance
  • The ERTEK building system in a glance

Description of the attributes of the structural skeleton

  • Technical features
  • Elements of the structural skeleton
  • Reduced weight and anti-earthquake behavior

Economy of construction

  • Production of the structural skeleton
  • The utility of the structural skeleton as infrastructure for the completion of the construction
  • Consequences of the reduced time of production on the economy of the construction

Example case study of the ERTEK system

  • Production cost
  • Duration of the production process


  • Time and cost schedule of a building project
  • 3D model of the structural skeleton
  • Visualization of the structural elements


    Three-dimensional Model of the Structural Skeleton

    The file Skeleton-3D.dwg, for Autocad (version 2000 or later), includes a detailed 3D model of the sample ERTEK structural skeleton presented in Figure 1. Within this model detailed models of the structural elements "pre-slab", "foundation unit" and "column". are presented properly assembled, forming the structural skeleton. These models can be used for the production of both technical drawings and material schedules. The incorporation of sewage pipes, as well as underfloor heating/cooling installationis also presented in the sample. Detailed information on the content is included in section Documentation of the file Skeleton-3D.dwg .

    All the computer-created 3D views presented in this website resulted from 3D models included in the file Skeleton-3D.dwg.

Figure 1

    Documentation of the file Skeleton-3D.dwg

    The ERTEK structural elements are represented in the file Skeleton-3D.dwg as blocks. The innermost objects within each block are 3D Solids, which makes possible the calculation of their volume. Objects of different material belong to different layers. As a consequence, given each material's cost per volume unit, both the quantity and the cost of each material can be calculated in detail through the table that maps layers to materials. This makes possible to verify the respective data presented in the scheduling spreadsheet.

1.1      Blocks

The file Skeleton-3D.dwg includes the following blocks:

Typical pre-slab having dimensions 3.60 × 3.60 m

Indicative void pre-slab (includes only perimetric elements), having dimensions 3.60 × 3.60 m, where a stair unit can be attached.

Typical foundation unit having dimensions 3.60 × 3.60 m

Typical column 2.75 m high.

JOINT               (it is included in the blocks PRE-SLAB, PRE-SLAB-VOID and FOUNDATION-UNIT)
The steel joint incorporated in either pre-slabs or foundation units to which trusses (Filigran) are attached.

TRUSS              (it is included in the blocks PRE-SLAB, PRE-SLAB-VOID and FOUNDATION-UNIT)
Perimetric truss of a 3.60 × 3.60 m pre-slab or foundation unit.

TIE                      (it is included in the block PRE-SLAB)
Tie: Element of the slab armature, which supports a perimetric truss.

WIRE-MESH-DN             (it is included in the blocks PRE-SLAB and FOUNDATION-UNIT)
Compound piece of wire mesh of the lower armature of a pre-slab. As an exception, for the sake of the model's simplicity, this block includes polylines instead of 3D Solids. Each polyline represents a 5mm steel bar.

WIRE-MESH-UP             (it is included in the blocks PRE-SLAB and FOUNDATION-UNIT)
Compound piece of wire mesh of the upper armature of either a pre-slab or a foundation unit. The conventions that concern the structure of the block WIRE-MESH, also hold here.

TIE-ROD           (it is included in the block COLUMN)
Includes a tie rod as well as the respective connectives (bolts, nuts and washers).


1.2       Layers

Layer Name Structural component Material
PRE-SLAB-CONCRETE Concrete of pre-slab Concrete
COL-CONCRETE Concrete of column Concrete
COL-TIE-ROD Tie rod of column Structural Steel
ELEM-SEWAGE Sewage pipes  
ELEM-TH-METAL Connection of underfloor heating/cooling pipes  
ELEM-TH-TUBE Underfloor heating/cooling pipes  
ELEM-TH-TUBE-05-COLD Cold Water pipe for underfloor cooling  
ELEM-TH-TUBE-05-HOT Hot water pipe for underfloor heating
ELEM-TH-TUBE-CONN Connection of underfloor heating/cooling pipes  
EXPANDED-POLYSTERINE Pre-slab expanded polysterine expanded polysterine
TRUSS & TRUSS-2   Truss Structural Steel
TRUSS-BAR Bar reinforcing the truss Structural Steel
JOINT Joint Structural Steel joint
TIE Tie Structural Steel
WIRE-MESH-UP Steel mesh of upper armature Structural Steel
WIRE-MESH-DN Steel mesh of lower armature Structural Steel
SPIRAL Spiral armature of column Structural Steel
BAR Vertical armature of column Structural Steel
BOLTS Connectives Structural Steel of connectives.

    The COLUMN, PRE-SLAB and FOUNDATION-UNIT block references belong to the layers SKEL_COLS, SKEL_ SLAB and SKEL_FOUNDATION-SLAB respectively. The layers STAIR-SLAB and STAIR-TREAD respectively include the concrete part and the covering elements (treads – risers) of the sample stair unit. As the latter is not included in the objects to be scheduled, it does not consist of 3D Solids.


1.3       Notes that concern the estimation of the volume of concrete.

    The total volume of concrete in the construction consists of the concrete in the columns, the slab units and the foundation units. The overall volume of concrete in the columns is represented by the 3D Solid in the layer COL-CONCRETE within the block COLUMN. The concrete in both the slab units and the foundation unitsis not represented in the model. Only the concrete in the pre-slab—which is part of a slab unit—is represented (block PRE-SLAB, layer PRE-SLAB-CONCRETE). The overall volume of concrete in a typical slab unit, having dimensions 3.60 × 3.60 m, is the volume of a 3.60 × 3.60 X 0.22 m box, while the overall volume of concrete in the respective foundation unit is the volume of a 3.60 × 3.60 X 0.24 m box. In all cases, the real volume of concrete in each structural element is the overall volume minus the volume of the internal elements (such as armature, expanded polyurethane etc).


1.4       Technical drawings and material scheduling

    The drawing units in the file Skeleton-3D.dwg represent meters. You can open this file in Autocad (version 2000 or later). Then you can use Autocad commands to get information or create 2D drawings from the 3D model by following the guidelines given next.

  • Use the command Massprop, after you have adjusted the desirable number precision (command Units), to calculate the volume of 3D Solid objects.
  • Use the command Dist, after you have adjusted the desirable number precision (command Units), to calculate point-to-point distances.
  • Use the command Section to get sections in any Plane in the 3D space..
  • Use the command Profile to get projections in any Plane in the 3D space. This requires to work in a Viewport within a Layout..
  • If you want to save the 3D model of any structural element as an independent file, use the command Wblock declaring the name of the block which represents the particular structural element, as well as the pathname of the file to be created.
  • The commands Massprop, Section and Profile can be applied only in 3D Solids. If you want to apply any of these commands on a 3D Solid included in a referenced block you should first break the block reference by using the command Explode.

    In order to use properly the aforementioned commands consult the Autocad reference manual


    Static analysis of the structural elements


Terms and procedure of purchase